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Monday 4 May 2015

Local walk: Coulsdon common

We woke up this bank holiday Monday to unexpected sunshine!  We had a lot planned to get things done around the house, but I felt bad not taking advantage of the nice weather at least a little. So we decided to stay local. About a mile 1/2 up the road begins Coulsdon common. I'm often so busy trying to venture out to see new things that I forget what is on our doorstep.

 The city of London's official site says:

"Coulsdon Common is a 127 acre public open space . It forms part of a larger area of open countryside within the London green belt that links London with the wider countryside of Surrey.

Coulsdon Common lies in the North Downs Natural Area and virtually all of it is a Site of Nature Conservation Importance (Site of Metropolitan Interest) for its chalk grassland and wood pasture habitats."

 I wrote up a checklist of some things you would come across on a walk in our local area. It encourages my daughter to really pay attention to her surroundings when shes on the hunt for stuff.  I also found a map on the City of London website and printed it out. (side note: I also left my proper camera at home so I had to use my husbands phone camera for pictures hence the overexposure. I do apologise.)

The common was lovely! Its amazing to think you are still technically in London when you are there. An oasis of calm right here in the hustle and bustle of things.

I hope I have inspired you to get outdoors and do some exploring.  If you live local to me I recommend Coulsdon common for a nice British walk. You can have dogs on and off leads, and you can stop at the fox for an afternoon pub lunch along the way. If you live somewhere else not to fret. I'm sure you can search out some local green space quite easily. Asking around, or a quick google search should sort you out.

I'm so glad the weather is getting nicer. The British countryside in the summer time is a spectacular sight to see. I can almost taste the pimms and lemonade just thinking about it!

Take care and see ya soon!                              

                                                                               Always, -Kass


  1. London...on my bucket list..thanks for sharing

  2. This doesn't look like London at all. It looks so very countryside like with the bluebells and spring growth blooming everywhere. What a wonderful way to spend a bank holiday Monday, beats household chores anyday! Looks like your daughter and the dogs agree too. Thank you for sharing with me on Country Kids.

  3. It looks great there, lovely open spaces to play and explore.

    1. yes it's lovely. Thanks for commenting x
