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Saturday 20 June 2015

DIY wedding on a budget featuring the wedding from Kippers and Curtains

Ive been to some beautiful weddings before. Bride looks beautiful, food is good, and venue looks posh. Im sorry maybe im a pessimist but all I can usually think at those weddings is " it should be nice, considering how much this all cost." Then its over, just like that.  You have to leave the venue, take off the dress and all your left with is photos and memories. All relatively "normal".

My friends Sarah and Lee's wedding was not your "normal" wedding. Which is a good thing as they are not a normal couple.  In a good way, I swear.  Most days when Sarah isn't working she is planning projects, wandering in the woods collecting bits, or daydreaming of a wild and free biker life. If you want to find lee just look for the children. He is most likely spinning around with one or more hanging off him.We joke that he could be a childrens party entertainer. So when these to [finally] united in marriage you just knew it was gonna be a good time.

So I  had an idea of what the wedding was going to be like. Sarah has been bouncing ideas off me the past year.  Seeing it all come together has been amazing.

The actual ceremony was at the leatherhead registry office in Surrey, England. It was so lovely! When I arrived Sarah was in the back of her brothers vintage taxi with their 3 children so Lee could not see them before the vows.

  We all went in and sat down and a beautiful ceremony followed with Sarah walking down the isle to the song from "last of the Mohicans". I cried so much! I don't know why, I'm just a big baby I guess. Its always when the father gives his daughter away that I tend to lose it. Then that's me crying for the rest of the ceremony.

It was beautiful and after we went out through the conservatory to the back where the newly united family stood for us and we blew bubbles and took pictures.

The wedding party got into a vintage fairway taxi and headed to the reception.

 Okay so we were lucky as this is just up around the corner from our house, so we could park at home and walk over.  When we walked through the field there were signs directing us where to go that sarah made and Lee put up.

The first thing we stumbled upon was a tree swing made from a palette with ribbons hanging all around it. I knew the kids were going to love this when they all got there and they definitely did.

The main area for the festivities was a extra large circus style marquee with a dance floor and tables set up inside. It had a  pick and mix sweets bar for the kids , a gorgeous rustic cake set up, lemonade pitchers, all with handmade signs and quirky upcycled curios lying about.

The tables all had centerpieces of painted bottles with wildflowers we had picked the day before at bloomin green in maidstone, kent.

The second area was uncovered with a croquet set up to play, a 3 metre tall tee pee "chill out" area, and her brothers awesome vintage taxi with a photo booth set up in the back. It had props inside and printed photos for you there! So much fun was had in that! ( To check out his website Anarchy photography Click Here.)

                                           ( The bride and her brother/photographer)

At one point an ice cream truck pulled into the field and the children went running after it. It pulled up to the party and handed out  ice cream for about an hour. Seriously, an ice cream truck, in the middle of an empty field. The bride and groom got inside the truck and handed out ice cream which resulted in some great photos!

We feasted on hog roast, laughed, and danced .

(My selfies with the bride and groom)

 Sarah wore the most gorgeous vintage style dress with lace embellishments.

She had a crown of wildflowers throughout the day and in the evening darned a  handmade Native American headdress that was gifted to her that day.

                                 (The couples eldest daughter Keira shouting a battle cry in mums headdress)

  Her shoes were a mint green . The flowers girls (her daughters) wore white sundresses with sleeveless jean jackets and cowboy boots. The "boys" wore beige linen suits with mint ties to match the brides shoes.

We had such a great time the whole day. Scarlett was not happy to be going home.

 Sarah has been blogging all about how she put this day together on her blog Kippers and Curtains. There you will find how she made her flower crown, what she used for her table decorations , and how she made the rustic signs that lead us around their whimsical celebration of love. Sarah has shown brides-to-be everywhere with some shopping around, and a little elbow grease, you can have a dream wedding without breaking the bank.

Thanks so much Stockleys for sharing you special day with us! We wish you many wonderful years together. x

That's all for now, see ya soon.    -Always, -Kass


  1. Lovely to see some of these lovely photos tures, you all look stunning :) x

  2. I meant pictures or photos ha ha
    Thank you for the blog felt like I was almost there :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. DIY wedding on a budget!! That’s very interesting. Thanks dear for sharing these budget friendly ideas. I will get married at one of the domestic Boston venues and would definitely use some of these ideas to add some creative effects in my ceremony.
