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Monday 21 September 2015

Finnabair inspired mixed media canvas

Just wanted to share a mixed media project I made recently using found objects. I honestly feel like I've had a light bulb moment. Ive been collecting objects, loving rust, and broken stuff for years. Yes, I love rust. I said it.

Ive just never figured out how to really incorporate it with my art. I wasn't even sure what it was called. Assemblage is the word I was missing. Assembling items to form art. Another important word/name in this field is Finnabair. Anna Dabrowska is the creator of gorgeous, inspiring, works of mixed media assemblage art. Check out all the work from her and her amazing creative team at her website here.

So armed with some inspiration and a lot of mediums and objects I set to work. There are many different techniques to explore when working on a project like this, and easy to get carried away. I had to really think about  how certain products would work with other ones. There is nothing worse then having something close to how you want it and then using the wrong spray or something and turning the whole thing brown. unless of course that's what you were going for. My first project I used cool colours:

So now I am completely hooked on this kind of art. I have also done another canvas using warm colours. But that is another post, for another day. I hope you all are having a great day and enjoying the fall colours outside. Give it a few weeks and it will look spectacular. Please if you have any questions about this project ,just ask in the comments box.  Thanks for reading.x

                                                                               Always, Kass


  1. SQUEEEEE!!!!! I LOVE THIS!!! Okay, I'm convinced I need to give this a try. You've inspired me to go for it and this week, I'm going to do just that! Yep! You're my muse! Thank you for sharing some of the stages in photos. Wondering what you used to adhere the items to the canvas when you first started? Gel medium? Heavy Gel Medium?

    1. Wow thats the ultimate compliment to inspire someone to create. You have made my rainy London day a bit sunnier! Okay so, hot glue gun all the way. I used studio multi medium to put down some of the base card and chipboard but the nuts and bolts definately needed the glue gun. Thanks so much for your lovely comment. keep me posted on your progress and any other questions feel free to ask.x

    2. Thanks for sharing! I'm plotting and planning and when I'm done, I'll share a pic with you first! I really love your piece and can't wait to make my own! Thanks again for the info! Hugs! xxx

  2. love love love this! my art group girls made similar ofcourse on a day i couldnt be there :( need to try it!

  3. Beautiful! You definitely picked the right colors!
