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Thursday 1 October 2015

"Industrial chic" mixed media canvas

 Hello everyone I hope you are all having a great week so far. Its finally October! yaay! The smell of apples, and the sound of crunching leaves. Love.It.All. Cant wait to get the Halloween decor out. I haven't done any Halloween crafts yet apart from the ATC I created for the Vera lane Studio swap. For that I dressed Clarence up as a pumpkin. Good fun.x

Ive still been tinkering with my found items and err, junk. I feel like each piece i create i learn something new to bring into the next one. I'm constantly learning, and  Art is incredibly organic in that way and I cant get enough of it.

This canvas I made more recently combined pretty floral accents with heavy metal industrial pieces. hence why I have given it the name "industrial chic". Here are some pictures in all its glory:

And here are a few during the process:

Again any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

                                                              Thanks for reading,   Always, -Kass