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Thursday 1 October 2015

"Industrial chic" mixed media canvas

 Hello everyone I hope you are all having a great week so far. Its finally October! yaay! The smell of apples, and the sound of crunching leaves. Love.It.All. Cant wait to get the Halloween decor out. I haven't done any Halloween crafts yet apart from the ATC I created for the Vera lane Studio swap. For that I dressed Clarence up as a pumpkin. Good fun.x

Ive still been tinkering with my found items and err, junk. I feel like each piece i create i learn something new to bring into the next one. I'm constantly learning, and  Art is incredibly organic in that way and I cant get enough of it.

This canvas I made more recently combined pretty floral accents with heavy metal industrial pieces. hence why I have given it the name "industrial chic". Here are some pictures in all its glory:

And here are a few during the process:

Again any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

                                                              Thanks for reading,   Always, -Kass


  1. This is a wonderful piece Kass. How fun to tinker and add dimensional elements to your canvas. Love the upcycle. 😉

  2. Kass, this looks amazing!! I am loving your canvases! It's fun to see part of the process, too, in your additional photos. I'm working on one in between other projects. It's fun just gathering little bits and pieces to add to it.

    1. Thanks hun. Isnt it great to give old junk new life?!

  3. This is beautiful!
