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Saturday 9 May 2015

Childrens book recommendation (mothers day edition): The paper dolls by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb

Last night Scarlett and I read the book "paper dolls" and really enjoyed it.With it being Mother's day tomorrow (in America) I thought I would use it as my weekend child's book recommendation.

The paper dolls is by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb. Inside the book you meet a little girl. She has a very nice mother who makes paper dolls with her. She makes:

                              "Ticky and tacky and Jackie the backie
                               and Jim with two noses
                               and Jo with the bow"

They go on all kinds of adventures together. They danced with pigs, met a tiger, a roaring dinosaur and a crocodile! All whilst holding hands and chanting their rhyme of unity.

I like the way the mother joins in with the daughters fun and they play together. I also like the use of all the household objects ( Like a slipper as a tiger). The illustrations do a great job of showing kids ways to use their imaginations.

One day a boy  comes and snips all her paper dolls into little pieces.(darn boys sometimes. x)

What happens to them? what happens to the little girl? I think that the story has an adorable way of answering these questions. The book explains that the paper dolls become a memory. In her memory they come across mice, fireworks, starfish soap, and a kind granny. More and more things get added each day and each year. I just think that is so cute. especially the kind granny bit ( it always brings a tear to my eye).

Then comes Scarlett's favourite bit of the book. You get to see the girl grow up. First into a teenager, then into...a mother!

A mother who now sits down with her little girl and teaches her to make paper dolls.

I feel like this book is a gentle reminder that what we do today is going to influence the generations to come. All wrapped in a perfectly adorable, creative, and whimsical book. It would make a great mothers day gift from a child to a mom. (Or am I the only adult who like receiving children's books as gifts?).

 Why don't you have a go making your own paper dolls and giving them a funny rhyme? you could have a go at my DIY washi tape bracelets , or at the very least sit and enjoy a book with your child.why? Because as this book shows us, then they will do the same with their children. Those moments, that bonding, that's the good stuff right there. Have a great mothers day! And a very special  happy mothers day to my mom Sandy, who is, and will always be my best friend.

                                                                      Always, -Kass

check out some other child's book recommendations like, Mr. Tiger goes wild, Journey, or Buddha at bedtime


  1. i love that your mom is your best friend...good stuff
