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Monday 11 May 2015

Kids project: Bubblewrap art canvas

My mom (like most grandparents) loves getting pictures and pieces of art. So this mothers day that's what I decided we should do for her. We should make her a canvas to hang in her new lanai. A lot of people in Florida have lanais off the back of their house. Up in Chicago we would call them a back porch, in England we say conservatory. Lanai just sounds more tropical and everything is more tropical in Florida. Plus there is a pool in theirs so that's helps the tropical feel as well. My mom told me they were going with "key west colours" to decorate the area. When I think Key west colours I just think bright, tropical, sea inspired.

Well our canvas isn't really sea inspired but we tried to make it bright and colour complimentary. Before I go any further can I just say yes, Scarlett sat on top of my work space for this project and No, I don't recommend it for messiness and health and safety reasons.  She was under my supervision this entire project. What can i say? Shes a monkey.

Firstly just get colour down on the canvas. We used Faber Castell gelatos because they are so fun to use and have loads of colours to choose from. You can use whatever you have. Oil pastels work great, or acrylic paint if its all you have. Try and use something that will allow you to blend the colours nicely. So we scribbled the gelatos roughly all over the canvas where we wanted them

 and blended them together using our fingers.

Next we chose a contrasting dark paint colour and painted all over the bubble wrap generously but at the same time trying to not fill in the gaps between holes too much.

Then for the moment of truth. Put the bubble wrap paint side down on canvas and start printing. You just have to sort of go for it and have some faith. If you think about this part to much you will just hinder your creative process. Its better to just go for it and work with what you get. Its not suppose to look perfect.

Then Scarlett used the lid to a recycled jar to create circles to add to the composition.We used a orange transparent paint for this. Using transparent paint allows you to see the layers underneath creating a bit more depth.

Whilst I set that aside for drying I had Scarlett draw, cut out, and colour in some pictures.

 We raided my paper stash and found some long scraps to use as flower stems. Then I glued them on using mod podge gloss sealer.

After that had all dried we painted a ground using blue paint ( yes a blue ground. why not? maybe its the ocean. a big ocean with flowers coming out. wheres your sense of whimsy?) I then went all around the outside edge of the canvas with a lime green colour paint.

After it dries its ready to hang up and enjoy, or send off to a distant loved one. This is a project using basic layering and printing techniques so give your little one an applause when your finished making this. He/she is well on their way to becoming a brilliant artist!

Thanks for reading and have a great day.x
                                                                                         Always, -Kass


  1. Lovely piece of work ladies :) I have used this technique on a large scale with younger children and used different sizes of bubble wrap but it wasn't as near as yours !! I hope your mum likes it too

    1. I bet this worked well large scale. Thanks for stopping by. have a great day!

  2. love this cute canvas too Kass! i will be starting some art lessons with a few kidlets soon- i think same age as sweet Scarlet- nice to see u did this first and now i can :) tyou !

    1. aww I would love to work with kiddies. I got a chance to at scarletts rainbow scouts and had so much fun! Thanks for commenting my sweets x

  3. I love using the bubble wrap technique and this canvas looks fabulous. Creative Blessings, Tracy x

    1. thanks so much for your lovely comments.x
